We know that a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is good for all of us. For some, access to these healthy foods is difficult and sometimes unattainable. Cheap meats, processed foods, and sweets line the shelves of markets in impoverished areas. Chemical-laden and unhealthy foods become the only affordable choice.

In collaboration with Lunch Break and local farmers, Hey Friend Foundation developed Farm to Every Table. This program gave people the opportunity to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need through Lunch Break, located in Red Bank NJ. Produce came directly from the growing fields of local New Jersey farmers.

By contributing to the Farm to Every Table program, you made it possible for families to gain access to the freshest of fruits and vegetables, free from sprays and chemicals, as well as delicious recipes and tips for cooking. When we feed our community, we feed our future!

What does CSA stand for?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. When you join a CSA, you are giving local farmers the seed money to begin their crops, and support your local economy. In return, you receive a bounty from their harvest at an incredibly discounted price throughout the growing season.

What does a typical CSA share look like and what does it include?

Laurino Farms Typical CSA Share

The Farm to Every Table program started in July of 2019 and ran for 12 weeks. Each week a share included up to fifteen items, including various fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs as they come in season. In July, a share included items such as corn, blueberries, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, different peppers, string beans, and more. Come August, Jersey beefsteak tomatoes were in full swing as well as ripe jersey peaches, cantaloupe, honeydews, and watermelon.  September brought about Jersey apples, apple cider, acorn, and butternut squash.

Lunch Break Logo
The Hey Friend Foundation Logo


The FARM TO EVERY TABLE program helped many families in need!

Thank you for donating to the 2019 Farm to Every Table program! It was a great success!